Kebo Valley Membership

Kebo Valley has begun accepting a limited number of membership applications for the 2025 season.  If interested, return a completed application to the Kebo Business Office or Pro Shop.

Kebo Valley Golf Club

P.O. Box 27

Bar Harbor, ME  04609

New and Present Members

Kebo is a membership-owned club run by a Board of Directors and a Management Team. Here is a list of our managers, the areas they serve, and contact information.

Management Team of Kebo Valley Golf Club

Peiter DeVos, Club Golf Professional  207-288-3000 ext 2
David Perconti, Course Superintendent  207-288-2200
Dan Baldridge, F & B Manager  207-288-3000 ext 5
Christine Harding,  Office Manager 207-288-3000 ext 4


Information for new members

Please ensure that our office has your correct email, mailing address, and phone number, and update the office whenever there are changes.  Membership invoices are mailed the first week in January.  Club information is regularly sent to your email.  If you are not receiving Kebo emails, please email to confirm your contact information.  If you do not wish to receive emails from Kebo Valley, you will see an unsubscribe option at the bottom of your email.

On our website,, you will find a lot of helpful information.  You will find an event calendar, membership information, menus for The Links Pub, and much more.

Kebo Valley Golf Club Membership Rules & Regulations

These Rules and Regulations have been established by the Kebo Valley Golf Club to protect the Club’s golf course and other facilities and amenities and to promote the health, safety, welfare, and enjoyment of the Members, their families and guests, Daily Fee guests, and all other persons using the Club Facilities. The Club may amend the Rules & Regulations from time to time at its discretion.


Length and Terms of Membership

  • A Kebo Valley Golf Club membership is valid from the spring opening until the fall closing. Members do not receive an equity stake in the facility or any other privileges not identified in the membership contract.
  • Kebo Valley Golf Club of Bar Harbor, Maine membership is non-transferable. A valid membership is conditioned upon completion and acceptance of this membership contract and receipt of all applicable fees.
  • The hours of operation at Kebo Valley Golf Club will be established considering the season of the year and other circumstances. The hours of operation will be posted at the clubhouse.
  • Membership does not guarantee or reserve tee times on the golf course. Management of KVGC reserves the right to sell, advertise and market the club in any manner.  Management of KVGC also reserves the right to schedule golf events, special events, and tournaments.  During events or tournaments, members’ access to the club’s facilities may be limited.
  • Membership is not valid for any outing, event, or outside tournaments. Members are responsible for paying outing greens, cart, and tournament fees.

Medical Leaves

  • Prior to the season members may request a medical leave for 1 year and retain their membership status.
  • During the leave no dues are charged.
  • Requests may be made in writing to the Kebo Office or Pro Shop.
  • Any extension of this leave beyond 1 year requires a letter to the Board of Directors for approval.
  • Members requesting a medical leave after dues are paid and the season starts should submit a letter to the Board of Directors.
  • The letter should include the date they were no longer able to play golf due to their medical issue.
  • The Board will evaluate the request and determine the appropriate credit, if any, to be applied to the next year’s dues. Typically, no refunds are made.

Resignations & Unpaid Dues

  • Members using monthly ACH payments that want to resign during the golf season should submit a letter to the Board of Directors requesting that their payments to Kebo end. The letter should include any extenuating circumstances.
  • ACH payments are cancelled per the member’s request and typically no refunds are made.
  • The Board will evaluate the request taking in to consideration the amount of golf played. The member will be notified by the Board if dues are owed to the golf club.
  • Members with unpaid dues at the end of the year are considered in bad standing with the Club.
  • Any future membership requires payment of those dues. A resubmission of a membership application may be required by the Board of Directors.

Golf Course Rules of Use

  • No outside food or beverage will be allowed on Kebo Valley Golf Club premises. All state and local laws concerning the sale of alcoholic beverages will be strictly enforced.
  • Members must abide by all Kebo Valley Golf Club rules & regulations governing the use and return of golf carts. Consolidation of carts will be required upon request of any Kebo Valley staff.
  • The course may be closed at any time due to weather or other scheduled events. The opening and closing dates of the golf course are at the sole discretion of the Kebo Valley Golf Club’s management and board of directors.
  • The golf professional has full authority on the golf course and in Pro Shop to enforce all the rules of golf and speed of play.
  • No more than four players are permitted in a single group unless authorized by the golf shop. Singles and twosomes will be paired together when tee times are limited.
  • Smoking is not permitted where deemed by state or federal law. The State of Maine Law prohibits smoking in areas within 20 feet of where food or drink is served.   Smoking may only be allowed outdoors and in areas at least 20 feet from entryways, doors, and windows, and not in any area that would allow the smoke to circulate back into the building.

 Dress Code

  • It is expected that members and guests shall dress in fashion-befitting the surroundings and atmosphere provided in the setting of our Club.
  • The dress standards of the Club may be waived by management for special activities and functions.
  • Collared shirts and shoes must be worn at all times when in the club facilities.

Conduct and Behavior

  • The Rules of Golf as adopted by the U.S.G.A., together with the Rules of Etiquette as adopted by the U.S.G.A. shall be the standing rule of the Club, except when in conflict with local rules or with any of the rules herein.
  • The following are not allowed and will not be tolerated at Kebo Valley Golf Club at any time:
    • Use of abusive or offensive language to other members, patrons, guests or staff.
    • Physical abuse of staff or guests.
    • Lewd or illegal activity.
    • If a foursome or other group of players fails to keep their place on the course and loses more than one clear hole on the players ahead, the group must allow the following group to play through.
    • Enter and leave bunkers at the nearest level point to the green. Smooth sand over with a rake upon leaving.
    • Repair all ball marks and divots on the green.
    • Each player must have a set of golf clubs.
    • Play with more than four players in a group (unless approved by Golf Professional)
    • Conduct that detracts from Management’s absolute right to manage the club and preserve its financial integrity.
    • All players must register with the Pro Shop. All golf course play must start on the first hole after check-in with the Pro Shop.  Starting on any hole other than the first is not permitted without permission from the Pro Shop.
    • Committing a felony or misdemeanor theft at the club
    • Violation of any rules or policies.
  • The membership holder will be responsible for any and all damages incurred by the member to Kebo Valley Golf Club property and/or golf carts.
  • Membership holders and guests are not allowed use of Kebo Valley Golf Club property without proper authorization.

Golf Cart Rules

  • Golf carts may only be used on the golf course at the discretion of the club personnel and only during hours of club operations.
  • Golf carts shall not be used by any member or guest on the Club facilities without proper assignment and registration in the Pro Shop.
  • Each operator of a golf cart must be a least sixteen years of age and have a valid automobile driver’s license.
  • Only two persons and two sets of golf clubs are permitted per golf cart.
  • Always use golf cart paths where provided, especially near tees and greens, a tee, or a bunker.
  • Use care to avoid soft areas on fairways, especially after rain. Always use the rough wherever possible.
  • The operation of a golf cart is at the risk of the operator. The cost of repair to a golf cart, which is damaged by a member, shall be charged to the member or, in the case of damage by a guest, to the sponsoring member.  Members using a golf cart shall be held fully responsible for any and all damages, including damages to the golf cart, that is caused by the misuse of the golf cart by the members or their guests, and the members shall reimburse the Club and/or any operator of the Club for any and all damages the Club may sustain by reason of misuse.  Members using a golf cart shall be held fully responsible for all damages due to cart misuse by the member or the member’s guest. This includes but is not limited to, damages to the golf cart, other golfers and guests, the course, or other equipment. The member shall make full restitution of actual or estimated costs to the Club within 30 days of being informed of the damage.
  • The member using a golf cart accepts and assumes all responsibility for liability connected with the operation of the golf cart. The member also expressly indemnifies and agrees to hold harmless Kebo Valley Golf Club and its officers, director, employees, affiliates, representatives, and agents, from any damages, whether direct or consequential, arising from or related to the member’s use and operation of the golf cart.
  • Please help improve Kebo Valley Golf Club’s turf quality by following and obeying all cart signage, never drive the cart withinhazard boundary lines, within 10 yards of water hazards or bunkers, and within 50 yards of greens or tees (unless you’re on a designated cart path). These areas are especially susceptible to damage by the wheels of golf carts.
  • Violations of the golf cart rules may result in losing golf cart privileges and/or playing privileges.


    • Handicaps are computed using the GHIN system under the supervision of the Golf Professional in accordance with the current U.S.G.A. Handicap System.
    • All members are required to have a U.S.G.A.-approved handicap to participate in any club tournaments. Members are billed $50 in addition to their membership rate for the GHIN system. All handicaps submitted may be reviewed by the Golf Professional.
    • To establish a handicap, a member must have turned in a minimum of five scores. Members are responsible for turning in all their scores on a daily basis.  The Golf Professional has the authority to adjust the handicap of any member failing to turn in a score.  The Pro Shop shall assist members with the posting procedures.

     Golf Course Etiquette

    • Persons using the golf course should do their part to make a round of golf at Kebo Valley Golf Club a pleasant experience for everyone. Please follow these guidelines.
    • Proper etiquette from all golfers should be a matter of pride.
    • Kebo Valley Golf Club should be played in four hours and fifteen minutes or less.
    • Play ready golf. Anticipate the club or clubs you may need and go directly to your ball.  Always be near your ball to play promptly when it is your turn.  If a player is delayed in making his shot, it would be courteous for player to indicate to another player to play, which should not be deemed playing out of turn.
    • The time required holing out on and around the green is a chief cause of show play. Study and clear the line of your putt while others are doing the same.  Be ready to putt when it is your turn.
    • When approaching a green, park your golf cart or hand cart on the cart path on the best direct line to the next tee. This can save about one-half hour per round.  Never leave the cart in front of the green where you will have to go back to get it, making the following players wait for you to play their next shots.
    • When play of a hole is completed, leave the green promptly and proceed to the next tee without delay. Do the scoring for the completed hole while the others in your group are playing from the next tee.
    • If you are not holding your place on the course please allow the players behind to play through. Do the same if you stop to search for a lost ball.
    • Players shall/may be responsible for reporting slow play, breaches of golf etiquette, or damage to Kebo personnel.
    • Please refrain from loud conversations, shouting at fellow golfers, or offensive and/or aggressive speech.
    • The use of cell phones and pagers is strongly discouraged if there is a need for phones or pager they are to be on silent or vibration mode.
    • Always be considerate of other golfers at all times.
    • Always fix ball marks, and divots as well as rake out your sand bunkers and remind others to do the same.
    • No matter if playing here at Kebo or any other course, take pride in leaving the golf course better than you found it. You can do this by simply following golf cart signs, replacing/fixing divots, fixing your ball mark and one other on every green. Always rake out your bunkers, entering and leaving the bunker at the nearest level point to the green. Golfers should carefully rake bunkers after using and place the head of the rack in the bunker leaving the handle in the surrounding grass. If you do this and encourage your playing partners to do the same, Kebo Valley Golf Club and all other golf courses will be better for it.


    ARTICLE I — Membership

    Section 1 – Election of Members

    • The election of members shall be made by the Board of Directors. The election of members shall be made whenever deemed necessary by a majority of the Board of Directors, a quorum of the Board being present, by open or secret ballot, as it shall determine.

    Section 2 – Suspension of Members

    1. Members who fail to pay their dues in a timely manner (as defined by current payment methods allowed by the Board of Directors), shall be suspended from membership.  The Board of Directors can allow exceptions to this rule on a case by case basis.  A list of suspended members shall be given to the Golf Professional and Club House Manager for enforcement.
    2.  Members who are found to be a determent to the course, members, or guests, may be suspended immediately by management of Kebo Valley Golf Club.  Suspension will then be presented to the Board of Directors for further action.

    Section 3 – Expulsion of Members

    1. The Board of Directors shall have full power to expel any member whose conduct shall be pronounced by a vote of two thirds of Directors present at any meeting, at which a quorum is present, to have endangered the welfare, interest or character of the Club.  Any such member shall have the right to appeal to the full Board of Directors and upon such appeal, the said member shall forfeit their membership if a vote of two thirds of its members shall so determine.  The full Board by a two-thirds vote shall determine for what length of time his membership shall be forfeited and if and when said member may be reinstated.

    Section 4 – Types of Members

    1. A Voting member is one who has been elected by the Board of Directors as per Section 1, has paid his/her dues in full, is 21 years of age, and has at least a non-student membership or higher.  A Voting member is entitled to vote in all Club matters and to hold office in the Club.
    2. A Non-voting member is one established at the discretion of the Board of Directors with special rates and limited privileges for those not desiring a Voting membership.  A Non-voting member shall not be entitled to hold office in the Club.

    ARTICLE II — Common Seal

    The Association shall have a common seal, which shall be in the form of a circular disc having on it the following:



    ARTICLE III — Board of Directors

    Section 1 – Election

    1. The Board of Directors shall consist of at least nine and up to fifteen voting members.  Directors shall be elected by the voting members t the Annual Meeting, if a quorum is present. If a quorum is not present, a majority of the votes cast of those present shall be necessary to elect.   Vacancies occurring through death, resignation, or otherwise in the Board of Directors may be (must be if number falls below 9) filled by election by a majority vote of the remaining members of the Board.  The person so elected shall fill the unexpired term of the Director replaced.

    Section 2 – Terms of Office

    1. The term of office for Board members shall be three years.
    2. Attendance is expected by all Directors at all meetings unless excused prior to the meeting.  If a Director is unexcused from three or more meetings during a calendar year, that Director may be forced to resign by a two-thirds vote of the remaining Directors.

    Section 3 – Duties

    1. The management of the Golf Club operations shall be vested in the Board of Directors.  The Board of Directors shall hire the Club’s professional staff, and any others as deemed necessary.  The Board of Directors shall set all Club rules.

    Section 4 – Meetings of the Board of Directors

    1. The meetings of the Board of Directors shall be held at the call of the President or any three members of the Board.  There shall be at least four meetings of the Board of Directors during the year.

    Section 5 – Notice of Meetings

    1. Notice of meetings of the Board of Directors shall be given by the Secretary in either writing or telephone or e-mail to all members of the Board at least three days in advance of the meeting.  Notice of any meeting may be waived by written waiver signed by all members of the Board.

    Section 6 – Quorum

    • A quorum shall consist of a majority of the Board of Directors and a majority vote of those present shall decide all questions.

    Section 7 – Recall of Board of Director

    • A Board member may be removed from office by the membership. The Board must receive a petition, signed by a minimum of 15 members requesting a recall.  The Board shall call a special meeting of the membership and a 2/3 majority of the membership present will constitute a quorum for recall vote.

    ARTICLE IV — Officers

    Section 1 – Duties

    1. The officers of the Club shall be President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer.

    (a).       The President shall be the directing officer of the Club and shall preside at all meetings of the Board of Directors.  He or she shall present to the Club an annual report of its work; shall appoint all committees (not otherwise provided for in the bylaws) with the approval of the Board of Directors; shall be an ex-officio member of all committees, with the deciding vote, and shall perform all the duties generally incident to the office.

    (b)        The Vice-President shall perform all the duties of the President in his absence or inability to serve and shall assist him or her as necessary.  In the event that the office of the President becomes vacant, the Vice-President shall assume the office of President for the unexpired term and perform all such duties as are incident to the office.

    (c)        The Secretary shall act as Clerk of the Corporation and as Clerk of the Board of Directors and shall keep a record of all meetings of the Club and of the proceedings of the Board of Directors.  He or she shall conduct the correspondence of the Club, shall give notice of all meetings of the Club and of the Board of Directors, and shall notify the Treasurer of the names of all persons elected.  In the absence of the Clerk, a clerk pro tem shall be chosen.

    (d)        The Treasurer shall supervise the receipt and disbursement of all funds of the club; shall keep a true and correct account thereof; shall report at each meeting of the Board of Directors; shall submit an annual report based on the books and accounts, and shall perform all duties as are incident to the office.  At the request (and expense) of any member, the Club shall be required to submit to an independent review of its’ books of account and other relevant financial information.

    Section 2 – Election

    1. The officers shall be elected by the Board of Directors from its own members at the meeting following the annual meeting provided that quorum be present.  A majority of the votes cast shall be necessary to elect.

    Section 3 – Terms of Office

    1. The terms for all officers shall be for two (2) years except that a term may be extended or terminated by a two-thirds vote of the entire Board of Directors.

    ARTICLE V — Committees

    Section 1 – Committees

    1. Committee Chairman shall be a member of the Board of Directors and shall be appointed by the President with the approval of the Board.
    2. All committees, except the Executive Committee, shall be appointed by the President with the approval of the Board of Directors.  Not all committee members need to be from the Board of Directors, with the exception of the chair.

    Section 2 – Names and Duties

    1. Executive Committee:  This committee shall consist of all of the officers of the Club and up to two other members at-large of the Board of Directors to be selected by the President.  The Executive Committee shall have all the powers of the Board of Directors between meetings of the Board.  A quorum shall consist of a majority of the members of the Executive Committee and a majority vote of those present shall decide all questions.  The Executive Committee shall report all actions taken to the next meeting of the Board of Directors.  Notice of meetings of the Executive Committee shall be given by an officer of the Club at least twenty-four (24) hours in advance by mail, telephone, e-mail, or in person.  Notice of any meeting may be waived if so agreed to by all members of the Executive Committee.
    2. House Committee:  This committee shall consist of at least three and up to seven members. The House Committee will oversee the Club House Manager, (In absence of a manger the committee will be directly in charge of all duties) who shall be responsible for all things pertaining to the clubhouse, concessions and events. The Clubhouse Manager shall recommend to the House Committee any major repairs, replacement or maintenance necessary for the upkeep of the clubhouse, whom with agreement shall recommend the said items to the Board of Directors for board vote.
    3. Greens Committee:   This committee shall consist of at least three and up to seven members. The Greens Committee will oversee the Golf Course Superintendent, (In absence of a superintendent the committee will be directly in charge of all duties) who shall be responsible for all things pertaining to the golf course and surrounding grounds. The Superintendent shall recommend to the Green Committee any major repairs, replacement or maintenance necessary for the upkeep of the course and/or surrounding grounds, whom with agreement shall recommend the said items to the Board of Directors for board vote.
    4. Finance Committee:  This committee shall consist of at least three and up to seven members. They shall present an annual budget, changes in financial policy and methods of raising funds to the Board of Directors for board vote.
    5. Membership Committee:   This committee shall consist of at least three and up to seven members. The Membership Committee will help and oversee management’s efforts in maintaining memberships at designated quotas, along with classes and pricing. The committee shall present all main members, along with any membership changes to the Board of Directors for board vote.
    6. Tournament Committee:  This committee shall consist of at least three and up to seven members. The committee shall work with the Head Professional to schedule tournaments and events. The Head Professional will work with the Clubhouse Manager seeing that he/she receives a list of events to be put on the club calendar.
    7. Nominating Committee: This committee shall consist of at least three and up to seven members. They shall submit names to the Board of Directors to fill vacancies throughout the year and make recommendations to the Board of Directors for the various offices to be filled.

    ARTICLE VI — Annual Meeting

    Section 1 – Time of Meeting

    1. 1)         The annual meeting shall be held each year after the end of the fiscal year, and prior to the end of the calendar year determined by the Board of Directors.  At least seven days in advance of the meeting, notice of the meeting must be given by mail, publication in the newspaper or by notice of club-wide email.

    Section 2 – Quorum

    1. 1)         A quorum at the annual meeting of the Club shall consist of fifteen (15) Voting members and majority vote of those present shall decide all questions.

    Section 3 – Order of Business

    1. Call to order by the President

    Minutes of the previous meeting

    Treasurer’s report

    Management Reports, Golf Course Superintendent’s, Golf Professional’s and Club House Manager’s report

    Membership Committee

    On-Going business

    New Business

    Matters for the next agenda


    ARTICLE VII — Fiscal Year

    The fiscal year of the Kebo Valley Golf Club shall be from October 1 to September 30.

    ARTICLE VIII — Amendments

    These bylaws may be adopted or amended at any regular meeting of the Voting members of the Club, or at a special meeting of the Voting members of the Club by a two-thirds vote.  Any special meeting must be attended by at least 15 members, and best efforts need to be made to contact all members of the special meeting.



    Guests of a Member will receive a 30% discount on the green fee.

    They must be playing with the member.  The discount is not in conjunction with any other special (I.E. Maine Res. Rate, After 1 pm, or Twilight rate.)  Each guest may only play 3 times per season at this rate (see Peiter Devos for any exceptions)


    The Member cart rate is $22.00 for a round (per player, not per cart).
    Members cart rate will apply to all Guests of the Member.


    Members may purchase a Cart Card, for $200, which is good for 10 carts.   (Cash or Checks only, No Credit Cards)


    All Members receive a 20% discount on all soft goods.  (Gloves, Balls, Apparels, Shoes, Socks, Divot Tools, Golf Bags, Hats ETC.)

    All Members receive a 5% discount on all hard goods.  (Irons, Woods, GPS equipment, Putters ETC.)
    Golf Shop Discounts may not be used in conjunction with any other sales specials.

    Thank you for joining Kebo Valley Golf Club; we appreciate the opportunity to welcome and serve you!

    If you have any questions regarding events, membership, or any business-related inquiries, please contact the Kebo Business office.

    If you have any questions regarding the pro shop, the game of golf, including signing up for member’s events and

    tournaments or pricing and policy about reduced green fees for your guests, please contact Peiter DeVos.

    If you have any questions regarding the golf course’s upkeep or surrounding areas, please contact David Perconti.

    If you have any questions regarding The Links Pub, Food & Beverage program, or the Beverage Cart, please contact Dan Baldridge.

    If you are unsure who to direct any questions or concerns, please contact the Kebo Business office.