Spotlight on Club Treasurer Jim McFarland and Week of August 28th Results

Jim McFarland’s connection with Kebo began when he was 12 years old, starting work as a caddie. If he didn’t get a bag to carry, he found he had time to play golf – so he joined for $24. The year was 1959.
Jim is our current Club Treasurer and has held the position since the late 1980’s when he took over the position from Les Brewer at the urging of Cary Swan. For 35 plus years he has been a constant on the Kebo Valley Board of Directors, where he sees his role as “keeping spending under control”. As Treasurer he keeps track of monthly income and expenses, yearly tax returns, and develops annual budgets with the help of the Finance Committee. Past Board members recall that Jimmy treats the Club’s money like it is his own and brings a conservative voice to all financial decisions. The Club Treasurer position is a voluntary one, but a number of years ago the Board of Directors realized the value of Jimmy’s role and granted him a lifetime membership.
Jim plays golf regularly and for years played in groups on Saturday and Sunday morning at 6:30. In semi-retirement he still plays, but not that early! He still loves to play Kebo where he finds no round of golf here is the same. Jim, thank you for your dedication to Kebo!
Weekly Results
McPheters Trophy Matches
Jeff Wooster & Chris Coston defeat Bob & Caden Braun (6&5)
Golf Wars
Inner 9
1. Ballz of Hazzard 30
2. Chris James + 3 Other Guys 30
3. Crickers 31
4. Opperation Hack 33
1. Drunken Divots 23.5
2. Rough Riders 24.8
3. Slosh Factor 24.9
4. Shank & Beans 25.1
Outer 9
1. Not Clever 34
2. Titleless 34
3. Happy Hookers 35
4. In The Trees 36
1. Mt Ave Mashers 26.3
2. Lady & Tramps 26.4
3. Seasiders 27.1
4. Underdogs 28.0
#4. Jack Seavey 16-10
#6. Bert Barker 19-1
#9. Mark Wanner 27-2
#15. Tom Richardson 8-5
Men’s Twilight Results:
Individual Quota:
T-1st. Cory Newel, Jeremy Bryer, Duane Bartlet +3
4th. Erik Wanner +2
T-6th. Mark Wanner, Nat Fenton, Peter Richardson, Bill Klaver, John FItzpatrick +1
Gross Skins:
4. Cory Newel
15. John Fitzpatrick
18. Brent Barker
Net Skins:
3. Erik Wanner
5. Peter Richardson
17. Seth Gray
#4. Ben Young 4-0
#15. Brent Barker 13-11
Green Mountain
Team Stableford
T-1st. Daniel McGahee, Randy Stanley, Lornie Smith, Carl Smith 120
T-1st. Cliff Staples, Cullen smith, Joey James, Glenn Meqguier 120
Individual Points:
A.) Tim Mayo 37
B.) Ron Dennis 36
C.) Lornie Smith 42
D.) Ed Darling 37
4. Daniel McGahee
6. Wyman Tapley
7. Jake Willis
17. Jake Willis
18. Tony Demuro
9. Ron Tibbetts
10. Aaron Tibbetts
11. Peter Swanson
14. Ron Tibbetts
#4. Tony Demuro 4-2
#6. Daniel McGahee 16-9
#9. Ronnie Tibbetts 29-0
#15. Joey James 16-9
Skins & Pins 9.3.23
Gross Skins
4. Russ White
7. Scott Toothaker
10. Bryan Maurais
11. Johnny Vickery
12. Scott Toothaker
Net Skins
2. Mark Hanscome
5. Matt McEachern
6. Russ White
11. Mark Hanscome
18. Mark Wanner
4. Tom Maffucci 2-11
6. Empty
9. Scott Toothaker 3-6
15. Jon Nicholson 13-11